In this post, I shall read about the summary explanation in Hindi and English of Bihar Board class 12th English chapter five Ideas that have helped Mankind summary in Hindi and English.
5. Ideas that have helped Mankind
The present lesson ‘ Ideas that have helped Mankind’ is an essay, which has been written by a british philosopher and mathematician. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1950. In this lesson he wrote about the history of the development of mankind.
प्रस्तुत पाठ ‘वह विचार जो मानव जाति को मदद किया’ एक लेख है, जिसे एक ब्रिटिश दार्शनिक और गणितज्ञ बर्ट्रेंड रसेल के द्वारा लिखा गया है। इन्हें 1950 में साहित्य में नोबेल पुरस्कार से सम्मानित किया गया। इस पाठ में वह मानव जाति के विकास के इतिहास के बारे में लिखा है।
In this essay, Bertrand Russell says that in ancient times, humans were very few in number, so they lived in caves and forests. They had to face difficulty for food. Gradually civilization developed and humans went on becoming civilized.
इस लेख में, बर्ट्रेंड रसेल कहते हैं कि पहले मानव की संख्या बहुत कम थी, तो वे गुफाओं और जंगलों में रहते थे। उन्हें भोजन के लिए कठिनाई का सामना करना पड़ता था। धीरे-धीरे सभ्यता का विकास हुआ और मावन सभ्य बनते चले गए।
His knowledge and thinking helped in changing the thoughts of mankind. New discoveries helped in the development of man. Today we have everything for comfort. The author says that today we are better than animals. He says that millions of animals die of starvation. In olden times, humans also used to die of hunger, but today we have many facilities. Our life is more secure than ever.
मानव जाति के विचारों को बदलने में उसका ज्ञान और सोच मदद किया। नए-नए खोजों ने मानव के विकास में मदद किया। आज हमारे पास आराम के लिए हर वस्तु है। लेखक कहते हैं कि आज हम जानवरों से बेहतर हैं। वह कहते हैं कि लाखों जानवर भुख के मर जाते हैं। पुराने समय में, मानव भी भूख के कारण मरते थे, लेकिन आज हमारे पास बहुत-सुविधाएँ हैं। हमारा जीवन पहले से अधिक सुरक्षित है।
The author expresses grief over the fact that even today we fight in the name of religion, caste and nation. In this case, he has described animals as better than humans.
लेखक इस बात पर दुःख व्यक्त करते हैं कि आज भी हम धर्म, जाति और राष्ट्र के नाम पर लड़ते हैं। इस मामले में वे मानव से जानवरों को बेहतर बताया है।
Domestication of animals, development of language, agriculture and the art of writing made life easier for mankind.
जानवरों का पालतु बनाना, भाषा का विकास, कृषि और लेखन कला मानव जाति के जीवन को और आसान किया।
Thus, due to the development of our thoughts in this way the human race developed and became more prosperous and civilized than before.
इस प्रकार, इस प्रकार हमारे विचारों के विकास के कारण मानव जाति का विकास हुआ तथा वह पहले से अधिक समृद्ध और सभ्य हो गया।
5. Ideas That Have Helped Mankind objective Questions
Q 1. Bertrand Russell was also a
(A) painter
(B) dramatist
(C) mathematician
(D) geologist
Ans- (C) mathematician
Q 2. Who wrote the piece, ‘Why I am not Christin’?
(A) Bertrand Russell
(B) Shiga Naoya
(C) Dorothy L. Sayers
(D) Pearl S. Buck
Ans- (A) Bertrand Russell
Q 3. ‘Ideas that have helped Mankind’ is written by ……
(A) Germaine Greer
(B) Pearl S. Buck
(C) Shiga Naoya
(D) B. Russell
Ans- (D) Bertrand Russell
Q 4. Bertrand Russell was awarded Noble Prize in literature in the year……
(A) 1956
(B) 1952
(C) 1950
(D) 1953
Ans- (C) 1950
Q 5. Has civilization taught us to be more …..towards one another?
(A) angry
(B) happy
(C) friendly
(D) jealous
Ans- (C) friendly
Q 6. In 1946-47, a large human beings died due to:
(A) War
(B) Hunger
(C) Famine
(D) Flood
Ans- (B) Hunger
Q 7. What makes the glory of man?
(A) Intellect
(B) Cooking skills
(C) Oratory skills
(D) Strength
Ans- (A) Intellect
Q 8. The last of the pre- historic inventions was ……
(A) hunting
(B) cooking
(C) writing
(D) taming
Ans- (C) writing
Q 9. What was more important than the domescation of animals?
(A) agriculture
(B) Machinery
(C) Fire
(D) Vehicles
Ans- (C) Fire
Q 10. Bertrand Russell was a philosopher and a …..
(A) historian
(B) scientitst
(C) geologist
(D) politician
Ans- (A) historian
Q 11. Civilization taught us ……
(A) to be friendly towards others
(B) to be human
(C) to be unlawful
(D) to be rude or cruel
Ans- (A) to be friendly towards others
Q 12. In …….. the last step was never taken.
(A) India
(B) China
(C) Germany
(D) france
Ans- (B) China
Q 13. Our attitude towards those outside our herd is ……
(A) hostile
(B) favourable
(C) friendly
(D) warm
Ans- (C) friendly
Q 14. Who was a philosopher, historian and mathematician?
(A) M. Gandhi
(B) Dr Zakir Hussain
(C) Bertrand Russel
(D) H.E. Bates
Ans- (C) Bertrand Russel
Q 15. When …….. was a very rare species.
(A) home-sapienas
(B) monkey
(C) animals
(D) bird
Ans- (A) home-sapienas
Q 16. Which creatures die of hunger in large numbers during the writer ?
(A) birds
(B) animals
(C) human beings
(D) plants
Ans- (A) birds
Q 17. Robins peck an elderly …… to death.
(A) owl
(B) peacock
(C) robin
(D) pigeon
Ans- (A) owl
Q 18. The English give an elderly …….. an old age pension.
(A) man
(B) animal
(C) elephant
(D) dog
Ans- (C) elephant
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Tags- Ideas that have helped mankind summary explanation in hindi, Ideas that have helped mankind summary in hindi, Ideas that have helped mankind in hindi, Ideas that have helped mankind objective questions, ideas that have helped mankind objectives, Ideas that have helped Mankind summary in Hindi.
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